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Why Dharma?

The Sanskrit word dharma has several distinct meanings. The definition that aligns with me is “quality” or “characteristic.” It originates with the dharmas of the Buddha, referring not to his teachings but to his various auspicious qualities, whether physical, verbal, or mental. It is the state that humans aspire to attain in their life and their careers.

Alisa Bondurant, Founder of Talent Dharma

I bring 20 years of experience in career coaching, workforce development, marketing, and sales to each client engagement. Like many of my clients, my career has been a journey and has taken lots of turns. My journey began with positions in marketing, sales, and content development in the design-build industry, working for architecture and engineering giants, Power Engineers, HDR, and CH2MHILL where I honed my skills in content development and sales strategy to respond to RFPs (Request for Proposals).

During this time, I remained committed to giving back to my community, whether it was volunteering every week at a local Alzheimer’s clinic, fundraising for Water For People, serving as a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, or volunteering with the American Red Cross during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Eventually, these efforts led me to a decision to change careers to more directly help people in need.

I left a successful career in the design-build world and started working at the Idaho Department of Labor. It was there that I began providing one-on-one job search assistance to professionals who were being laid off between 2007 and 2009 during the global financial crisis. During my tenure at the Idaho Department of Labor, I became a Business Solutions Specialist developing strong working relationships with local tech companies by helping to identify and fill their critical workforce needs. Eventually, I went off on my own, launching my own company, Consulting Wisdom, and then boomeranged back to my passion for helping people in their job search. My “why” is to give my clients the tactical tools and guidance to apply for and secure employment but connect them to their innate confidence to do the job.

am still actively giving back to the community and advocate for giving back while working and in a career transition. Currently, I contribute my talent and treasure as a mentor and career coach to Upwardly Global, a nonprofit that helps immigrant and refugee professionals rebuild their careers and find meaningful employment in the United States.

I am a Class of 2013 Leadership Boise alumni, a 2010 Idaho Business Review Women of the Year, and was honored as KTVB’s Channel 7 Hero in November 2009. I love being a mother, mountain biking, dancing, hiking, body surfing, and hanging with my dog, Vespa.