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Designing a Cover Letter that Differentiates You

The value of the cover letter has been altogether over-analyzed to the point of sheer confusion. When the cover letter is required in the application process, you may be left wondering what you should include in it to set yourself apart. If it is not required, you might question whether to include one anyway. The madness of it all! It the employer does not explicitly say not to include a cover letter, I suggest including it. Of course, there is no guarantee they will actually… Read More »Designing a Cover Letter that Differentiates You

Transitioning Back to a Career You Loved

Marketing Yourself to a Position you Held Many Years Ago One thing that COVID has done is compel people to re-examine their lives and their priorities. Perhaps this personal introspection is a hidden benefit of the COVID-19 pandemic. Within that space, many have decided to explore new career paths to better align with their values and goals. As Albert Einstein said, “In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity”. As my clients explore a new, and hopefully last, career chapter in their lives, I am… Read More »Transitioning Back to a Career You Loved

Design Think Your Career

Using the Design Thinking Framework to Explore Career Pathways “The pandemic accelerated existing trends in remote work, e-commerce, and automation, with up to 25 percent more workers than previously estimated potentially needing to switch occupations.” The future of work after COVID-19, McKinsey Global Institute, February 18, 2021 “Rather than view this as a crisis of capitalism, it might better be understood as the sort of world-making event that allows for new economic and intellectual beginnings.” The last global crisis didn’t change the world. But this… Read More »Design Think Your Career