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Top Ten Activities to Kick-Start Your Job Search After a Layoff

Do you find yourself suddenly a casualty of a layoff or hiring freeze? If yes, you are not alone. What started as a downward spiral in March 2020, the U.S. has been facing a new wave of cutbacks and layoffs. We have been flooded with news of layoffs across the country and sweetheart businesses like Netflix, Microsoft, PayPal, and Uber which we believed were recession-proof are reeling from rising labor costs and slow business growth. The good news is that despite a slight decline in… Read More »Top Ten Activities to Kick-Start Your Job Search After a Layoff

Top Five Ways Volunteering Can Benefit Your Job Search

Volunteering may be the last thing you want or feel like doing while you are looking for a job. You might feel like volunteering would take away from the time you should be placed in your job search activities. There you go shoulding on yourself again. Make it a choice and you will likely find that it is the best addition to your job search strategy. Volunteering should complement not replace your job search activities. Commit to an activity 2-4 hours a week with one… Read More »Top Five Ways Volunteering Can Benefit Your Job Search

5 Simple Steps to Develop a Relevant Resume

Your resume is the holy grail of relevance. It is often the first step in showing that you are the right fit for a job. I found it fascinating to learn that the Latin root of relevant is relevare which means “to lessen, lighten” or “to help, assist, comfort, console”. Your resume then becomes an important tool in presenting to the employer or recruiter that you are their best shot at relieving their discomfort. It may feel daunting to have to achieve all that in no… Read More »5 Simple Steps to Develop a Relevant Resume

Designing Your Future of Work

“We have ability to exploit opposing ideas and opposing constraints to create new solutions. When your pathway seems most narrow, you can invent a new way forward, even when making individual decisions.” Jim Brown, Executive Chair and Former CEO, TEDGlobal talk, “Designers — Think Big!” For more information on how to Design Think Your Career, check out my blog post or connect with me on LinkedIn or email me.

Design Think Your Career

Using the Design Thinking Framework to Explore Career Pathways “The pandemic accelerated existing trends in remote work, e-commerce, and automation, with up to 25 percent more workers than previously estimated potentially needing to switch occupations.” The future of work after COVID-19, McKinsey Global Institute, February 18, 2021 “Rather than view this as a crisis of capitalism, it might better be understood as the sort of world-making event that allows for new economic and intellectual beginnings.” The last global crisis didn’t change the world. But this… Read More »Design Think Your Career